Get a life!

Kaja kirjutab elust ja kõigest, mis selle sees on

Päikesetõus kajakist Tallinna lahel

Täna tõusis päike 05:45. Kasutamaks tänavu haruldast tuulevaikust, agiteeris Leivo sõbrad Tallinna lahele kajakist päikesetõusu imetlema. Noh, ega selles seltskonnas eriti kõvasti polnudki vaja agiteerida :)

Imetlesime peegelsiledat, koos päikesega tõusvas kerges tuules säbruliseks muutuvat merd. Jõime kohvi ja sõime saiakesi.

Oli imeilus.

Ja muidugi lõbus ka. Mõned meeldejäänud paremad palad.


„Aegnal on olnud vabatahtlike päästjate valvemeskonnad või midagi seesugust.“
„Neil on siis ka päästevõimekus?“

„Ee… paati vist siiski pole.“

(Leivo ja Kaspar arutlemas merepääste teemadel.)


„Ja seal on… meie uus alajaam.“ (Taavi imetleb Tallinna romantilist kilukarbisiluetti ja rannajoont.)


 „Eskimoaerudel on kaks koolkonda aeru õige pikkuse arvutamiseks: ühe järgi peaks aer tulema pikem, teise järgi lühem. Muidugi on mõlemal pooldajad ja vastased ja käivad tulised vaidlused. Täitsa kaks leeri. “

„Kas Eestis ka?“

„No mis sa ise arvad?“

/Mõne aja pärast teema juurde tagasi tulles/

„Tegelikult oleks ootuspärane, kui eestlased kõige pikema aeru võtaksid.“

(Rahvuslikud eripärad läbi kajakivarustuse prisma).


Kommentaarid (51) -

  • Hei

    02.09.2016 16:39:32 | Vasta

    Ilus, kas sel aastal jälle?

  • Claudia Klein

    13.11.2020 19:47:15 | Vasta

    Tere, minu nimi on Claudia Klein, olen sakslane ja osutan finantsteenuseid. Kas vajate kiiret, pikaajalist või lühiajalist laenu, mille intressimäär on madal ja madalam kui 3%? Kas majanduse raskused mõjutavad teid? või on teie pank või mõni muu finantsasutus teile laenust keeldunud? Pakume turvalisi laene.
    Laenupakkumise kohta lisateabe saamiseks saatke mulle oma soov e-posti teel: või WhatsApp: +4915758108767

    * Kas otsite raha võlgade tasumiseks?
    * Kas otsite raha oma ettevõtte loomiseks?
    * Kas otsite laene suurte projektide elluviimiseks?
    * Kas vajate vähem kui 24 tunni jooksul laenu?
    * Kas vajate kiiret laenu erinevatel eesmärkidel?

    Kui teie vastus on jaatav, saan teile abiks olla.

    * Võin teile pakkuda kuni 15 000 000 euro suurust laenu.
    * Tagasimaksmiseks võite valida 1 kuni 30 aastat.
    * Saate valida kuu- ja aastamaksete kava vahel.
    * Paindlikud laenutingimused.

    Kui olete huvitatud, pöörduge minuga selle e-posti aadressi kaudu: | | Või WhatsApp: +4915758108767

    Teil on 100% garantii, et saate oma laenu selle laenutehingu lõpus.

    Saate meid hõlpsasti meie veebisaidil vaadata: || ||

    Oleme kirglik rahalise kaasatuse arvestamise eest. Meie laenud ja investeerimistooted on loodud teile mugavuse ja väärtuse pakkumiseks.

    Spotlighti globaalsete finantsteenuste abil saate hüvasti jätta kogu oma finantskriisi ja raskustega, kuna oleme sertifitseeritud, usaldusväärsed, usaldusväärsed, tõhusad, kiired ja dünaamilised

    Soe soov
    Claudia Klein

  • Jerome Burchael

    10.03.2021 01:06:11 | Vasta


      Anname laene mis tahes maailma osadele. Pakume igasuguseid ja
    mugava tagasimaksekavaga laenude / rahastamise tüübid, meie laenuintressid
    määr on 2% tühistatava kaubeldava kestusega, olenemata
    Asukoht või krediidistaatus, laenu saamiseks täna aadressil:

    Võtke ühendust ka minu whatsappi numbriga: +12149748303

    Oota varsti vastust


    17.11.2021 20:37:34 | Vasta

    Do you need a quick long or short term Loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 3%? We offer business Loan, personal Loan, home Loan, auto Loan, student Loan, debt consolidation Loan etc.. no matter your credit score.
    Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    Consolidation Loan and many more.

    Contact US for more information about Loan offer and we will solve your
    financial problem. contact us via email:
    Phone number: +917428831341 (Call/What's app)

  • thomas wolfgang

    05.01.2022 13:40:04 | Vasta

    We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.
    LEASING FEE = 4%+2%
    PRICE = 32%+2%
    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
    loan financing by providing you with yearly.
    RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
    I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
    Name :  Thomas Wolfgang
    Email :
    Skype :

  • thomas wolfgang

    05.01.2022 13:40:23 | Vasta

    We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.
    LEASING FEE = 4%+2%
    PRICE = 32%+2%
    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
    loan financing by providing you with yearly.
    RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
    I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
    Name :  Thomas Wolfgang
    Email :
    Skype :

  • Christopher Liam

    12.05.2022 04:45:17 | Vasta

    We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.
    LEASING PRICE = 4%+2%
    PURCHASE PRICE = 32%+2%
    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
    loan financing by providing you with yearly.
    RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
    I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
    Name :  Christopher Liam
    Email :
    Skype :
    WhatsApp: +13475948294

  • Richard Chadwick

    17.06.2022 09:04:46 | Vasta

    Are you an individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business ??, we offer financial instrument such as BGs, SBLCs,MTNs, LCs, CDs and others on lease and sales at a rate of 4%+2% of the face value and reasonable conditionfrom a genuine provider. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc.

    Contact : Mr. Richard Chadwich
    Contact Email:

    With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve collateral in your bank to fund your project.

    We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request.


    If Interested kindly contact me via


    serious enquiry only.

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:45:33 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:45:46 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:45:57 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:46:21 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:46:34 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:46:47 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:47:00 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:47:15 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:47:29 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:47:41 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:48:33 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:49:04 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:49:16 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:49:27 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:49:38 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Josef Kupka

    18.07.2022 01:50:12 | Vasta

    Loans For Everyone.
    Hello, Loan offers at an affordable interest rate of 2 %. Many banks have rejected you. Do you need to finance your debt consolidation? Do you need financing to help your business get back? I provide loans to interested parties at a very reasonable interest rate of 2%. If you are interested  contact me via Email :

  • Urgent Loans, contact us today

    29.07.2022 14:59:01 | Vasta

    Do you need a loan to settle your debt and start up your own Business? What are you waiting for, here is a quick and easy way for you to get a financial assistant without any problem or delay. Kindly contact us today for more information.
    WhatsApp:  +919821024828

  • valkamla1

    05.10.2022 18:25:54 | Vasta

    Pakun laenu tõsistele inimestele.
    Kas otsite laenu ettevõtte alustamiseks, mis vajab projekti lõpetamist või vajate raha muudel põhjustel või mis tahes põhjusel. Oleme valmis laenama kõigile, kellel on õigus raha tagasi saada. Palun andke mulle teada oma laenutaotluse summa ja selle tähtaeg. Palun võta minuga ühendust

  • Jason Bennett

    19.10.2022 01:10:37 | Vasta

    Omg I Finally Got Helped  !! I'm so excited right now, I just have to share my testimony on this Forum.. The feeling of being loved takes away so much burden from our shoulders. I had all this but I made a big mistake when I cheated on my wife with another woman  and my wife left me for over 4 months after she found out..  I was lonely, sad and devastated. Luckily I was directed to a very powerful spell caster Dr Emu who helped me cast a spell of reconciliation on our Relationship and he brought back my wife and now she loves me far more than ever.. I'm so happy with life now. Thank you so much Dr Emu, kindly Contact  Dr Emu Today and get any kind of help you want.. Via Email  or Call/WhatsApp cell number  +2347012841542

  • Mohammed

    28.10.2022 06:16:54 | Vasta

    Justin Grimm

    Thanks for reaching out, Find Lease DOA attached for your review, Provider moves first with RWA via bank to bank secured email. If this will work for your client, kindly return for the provider's action.

    Thanks and Regards

    • Mohammed

      28.10.2022 06:17:18 | Vasta

      We are a trade finance company that uses our own credit lines to facilitate the issuance of financial guarantees like BG, SBLC, DLC and more. If our services will be of help to you, let us know so we can guide you with our process.
      Mobile | WhatsApp: +19893413179

  • Ian Berridge

    31.10.2022 14:02:34 | Vasta

    We are genuine certified Financial Instrument providers. Presently, we only focus on BG/SBLC for Lease and purchase purposes. Our Lease BG/SBLC is 4+2% and purchase at 32+2%.

    Kindly contact us for our procedures and be sure that we would respond within 48hrs maximum.

    For further inquiry contact: BERRIDGE, Ian


  • Pam

    03.12.2022 15:32:25 | Vasta

    I was scammed by a binary option website iq options to be exact. I lost about $253,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all i had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that i will make profit from the investment.. I was referred to "WIZARD GARRY SPEED RECOVERY",they are recovery specialists for all types of online scams,they helped me in recovering all my lost funds I couldn’t believe at first that this was possible as i have lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet, but i guess not everyone is bad after all. You can reach them on E-mail:  WhatsApp: +1 928 534 9618 website:

  • firmwarehacks

    10.12.2022 00:01:29 | Vasta


    ❌ Crypro Trading, Forex Trading, Stock Trading and their likes are a means of making money but it’s more like gambling. There are no sure means to guarantee that a person could make profit with them and that’s why it can also be reasoned to be scam. Let’s not forget that some individuals even give you 💯 % guarantee of making profits and end up running away with your money.

    ❌ You might have also come across some individuals that say they will give you guarantee on successful trades but they only end up as SCAMMERS as well. You here them say stuffs like 200% guaranteed in just 2 weeks and when you go into trade with them, they start telling you to pay profits percentage before you can get your income. These are all liars please avoid them. But if you have been a victim of this guys, then you should contact FIRMWARE now‼️

    The internet today is full of Recovery Scam, you see so much testimonies been shared about how a firm or Company helped them recover what they lost to this Trading, but believe it, it’s just a way to lure more people and end up scamming them.

    ✳️The big Question is “Can someone Recover their money lost to Binary Option and Scam⁉️
    I will say yes, and will tell you how.

    The only way to Recovery your money back is by hiring HACKERS to help you break into the Firms Database Security System using the information you provide them with, Extract your file and get back your money. It seems like a really impossible thing to do, I will tell you, it should be impossible, but with the use of specially designed softwares known to HACKERS and Authorities (such as The FBI, CIA e.t.c) it is possible and the only way to recover your money.

    ✅FIRMWARE are a group of hackers who use their hacking skill to hunt down SCAMMERS and help individuals recovery their money from Internet SCAMMERS.
    We just need the contact details of the SCAMMERS and Paymnet Info and within 4-8 hours your money will be return to you.

    This are services we offer-:
    🟢Crypto scam money recovery
    🟢lost loan money recovery
    🟢money laundry recovery
    🟢Device hack
    🟢Bank issues
    🟢Access to school/company/fellowship/organization files
    🟢Lost cars tracking
    🟢fraud payment
    🟢Access to cheating husband/wife device
    🟢extending and subtracting of stamped file concerning a giving end line period of time
    🟢tracing and recovering lost emails/conversations/contacts / and accessories

    ✳️ You can contact us via the emails below-:
    2022 All right reserved ®️

  • mateo vidal

    17.12.2022 10:26:57 | Vasta

    GOOD DAY, I'm here to bring you good news from PROF CINDY INVESTMENTS Loan Offer, Blank ATM Cards And Bitcoin Investments. Have you been trying to get a real Loan lender, I got my business loan amount $640,000.00 from Prof.Cindy Alberto LAST WEEK to start up business. Do you need a blank ATM Card or bitcoin and it has been a problem trying to get one? Here is Prof Cindy Investments Blank ATM Card Offer, Loan Offer, Bitcoin/Recovery Offer easy and affordable to get and it can be delivered to you waiting 24hrs after you have made your order from her by Email

  • Horky

    04.01.2023 06:20:42 | Vasta

    Jedinečná nabídka bezkonkurenčního úvěru v ČR.
    od 50 000,- Kč do 25 000 000,- Kč. Řešíme - poukázky, úvěry, konsolidace, odpuštění dluhů, exekuce - finance pro podnikání, bydlení, rekonstrukce, platby pohledávek. Stojíte za rychlé a snadné řešení finanční situace od soukromé osoby s okamžitým vykonáním do 7 pracovních hodin v kanceláři. Zaručujeme důvěrnost, solidní vyjednávání, 100% řešení s jasnými podmínkami pro klienty starší 18 let: zaměstnanci, důchodci, studenti, matky na MD, dpp, nechte si své starosti vyřešíme vám na adrese:

  • Gladys Jakes

    28.01.2023 22:42:16 | Vasta

    When I lost my money to online scammers through crypto investment, I never thought I could ever retrieve back my money again but I decided to give it a try after my Inlaw introduced me to this incredible honest hacker that she had worked with to retrieve back her bitcoin when she mistakenly sent it to a wrong wallet address when trying to make payment to someone, so when I brought up the issue of me loosing money to an online investment in a dinner at my place she was curious to hear how it happened and it turned out she still had the hackers contact which she provided me with later on, I reached out the next morning and provided the transaction hash, wallet address of the scammers and the website, I was surprised after receiving the first half of my money within just 48 hours and the rest is being traced back to the second wallet address I made payment to, Jamesmckaywizard and his team brought back my hope of living back to life because I never thought of what I could have done if I wasn’t able to recover this money back, this includes my retirement funds, I’m so grateful to the team for their effort and good service, if you're encountering same issue kindly reach out to them on the provided details bellow:


    What's App:+1 (507) 414-7049

  • dr james eric

    01.03.2023 18:44:20 | Vasta

    Are you looking for a loan to clear off your dept and start up your own Business? have you being going all over yet not able to get a legit loan Company that will loan you? Here is your final solution, We can give you any amount you need provided you are going to pay back within the period of time given without any problem. Apply now and contact us for more details whats-App +918929509036

  • dr james eric

    01.03.2023 18:45:06 | Vasta

    Are you looking for a loan to clear off your dept and start up your own Business? have you being going all over yet not able to get a legit loan Company that will loan you? Here is your final solution, We can give you any amount you need provided you are going to pay back within the period of time given without any problem. Apply now and contact us for more details whats-App +918929509036

  • Richard Chadwick

    07.03.2023 08:55:32 | Vasta

    Are you an individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business ??, we offer financial instrument such as BGs, SBLCs,MTNs, LCs, CDs and others on lease and sales at a rate of 4%+2% of the face value and reasonable condition from a genuine provider. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc.

    Contact : Mr. Richard Chadwich
    Contact Email:
    Whatsapp # :   +380 50 591 6795

    With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve collateral in your bank to fund your project.

    We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request.


    If Interested kindly contact me via


    serious enquiry only.

  • Beate Heister

    09.03.2023 22:33:00 | Vasta

    Recovery of Stolen Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency / Binary funds / Forex  funds/ Stocks Marketing Stolen funds / impersonating of real companies or person and giving out huge amount of money like,  Donation/ Loans / Dating /  Claim  for you to be his or her Next of kin, Investment/ Real Estate/   Clear or Erase Criminal Records, et cetera,  and a lot more /  Just Mention what you has be a victims on that made you lot money online. WHATS APP +1 845 207 8532 WEB SITE: WIZARDWIERZBICKI.COM E MAI: WIZARDWIERZBICKIPROGRAMMER@GMAIL.COM

  • Recovery Intel

    25.11.2023 10:14:14 | Vasta


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

    Stay Safe out there !

  • Ján Ješko

    03.07.2024 07:50:53 | Vasta

    Nabídka rychlé půjčky v ČR a SR
    Jsem fyzická osoba, která nabízí rychlé půjčky bez doložení příjmu. Půjčky jsou rychlé a můžete žádat až o 50 milionů Kč. Ve skutečnosti jsou mé služby zaměřeny na ty, kteří potřebují rychle požádat o částku peněz. Hlavní charakteristikou tohoto typu půjčky je právě rychlost, s jakou je možné o ni zažádat přímo online a v případě kladného výsledku obdržet výplatu hotovosti přímo na svůj běžný účet. Jak zažádat a získat půjčku Rapide online bez poplatků? Více informací emailem. E-mail:

  • Amelia

    16.10.2024 15:46:27 | Vasta


    After being persuaded by a friend on Instagram, I decided to invest $24,000 in a promising opportunity. Initially, everything appeared legitimate, with enticing offers and glowing testimonials that made me believe I was on the verge of financial success. However, this excitement quickly turned into despair. Their website promised help for individuals like me who had fallen victim to fraudulent platforms. Skeptical yet hopeful, I reached out to them. The initial consultation was reassuring; The process was straightforward, and their transparent communication eased my anxiety. They provided regular updates on the status of my case, which helped me feel more in control. To my astonishment, within just a week, I received confirmation that Judas was able to recover my funds. It was an exhilarating moment; after all the stress and uncertainty, I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. When I got my $24,000 back, I felt an immense weight lift off my shoulders. Judas not only recovered my money but also restored my faith in seeking help when in distress. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I urge you to reach out to them before it’s too late. It’s easy to feel lost and overwhelmed, but you don’t have to face it alone. With the right support, you can reclaim what’s rightfully yours and move forward with renewed confidence.
    Site :
    Email:  hackerjudas9@gmail . com
    whatsapp:  +18075002291

  • Ján Ješko

    16.10.2024 22:03:19 | Vasta

    Získejte půjčku do 10 minut.

    Jsme stabilní soukromá společnost zabývající se realitní činností a širokou škálou finančních služeb.  Působíme po celé ČR.  Nabízíme půjčky všeho druhu od 100 000 do 50 000 000 Kč každému občanovi schopnému splácet včas bez protokolu s úrokovou sazbou 3% i podnikatelům.  Za prvé nebudete platit zbytečně moc a za druhé, pokud požádáte o nižší částku, je větší šance, že vám bude půjčka schválena.  Pokud o rychlou půjčku žádáte poprvé, schválená částka je obvykle 100 000 Kč a tato částka je vám půjčována na několik týdnů či dokonce měsíců.  Pokud bude spolupráce úspěšná, můžete příště žádat o částku až 50 000 000 Kč se splatností až 360 měsíců.  Více informací na emailu: 

  • Richard Chadwich

    24.10.2024 08:12:12 | Vasta

    Are you an individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business ??, we offer financial instrument such as BGs, SBLCs,MTNs, LCs, CDs and others on lease and sales at a rate of 4%+2% of the face value and reasonable condition from a genuine provider. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc.

    Contact : Mr. Richard Chadwich
    Contact Email:
    Whatsapp # :   +380 50 591 6795

    With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve collateral in your bank to fund your project.

    We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request.


    If Interested kindly contact me via


    serious enquiry only.

  • Ján Ješko

    24.10.2024 08:24:58 | Vasta


    Půjčte si na cokoliv a bez ručitele
    Dobrý den, o půjčku můžete požádat již dnes. Náš systém funguje automaticky 24/7. Jednoduše vyplňte nezávaznou přihlášku. Okamžitým převodem můžete získat až 50 milionů Kč. Vše vyřídíte online během několika minut, neplatíte nic za vyřízení ani správu půjčky. Půjčku můžete kdykoli bez poplatku částečně nebo zcela splatit. Více informací emailem. E-mail:

  • Ján Ješko

    14.11.2024 17:49:59 | Vasta

    Rychlá půjčka bez zamítnutí v ČR

      Nabídka osobní půjčky od 50 000 Kč do 75 000 000 Kč, od 12 do 360 měsíců.   Osobní úvěr je spotřebitelský úvěr, který vám umožní financovat všechny vaše projekty (auto, osobní, pracovní, ekologický nebo motocykl).   Projektové financování a online nabídka půjček jednotlivcům i firmám.  Pokud se ocitnete ve složité životní situaci a potřebujete zaplatit exekuce, dražby, nevýhodné tituly nebo půjčky, které vás tíží, kontaktujte nás.  Ke každému klientovi se snažíme přistupovat individuálně a najít pro něj to nejlepší řešení.  Jsme Vám k dispozici 24 hodin denně E-mail:

  • Seipp Kidwell

    14.11.2024 19:10:08 | Vasta

    I'm willing to talk about my experience investing in bitcoin. You can, however, get your stolen bitcoins back. I was taught that recovering bitcoin was impossible, therefore I never thought it was conceivable. I recently lost close to $99,000 after falling for a forex scam that promised absurdly large returns. I looked everywhere for assistance before finding a Seeker Assets Recovery article online. When I contact Seeker Assets Recovery, my excitement was once more total. Get in touch with Seeker Assets Recovery as soon as possible. They are a registered hacking group that can help with a quick and efficient bitcoin recovery. Contact Seeker Assets Recovery at:
    Website: seekerassetsrecovery . com

  • Shaun Blake

    02.12.2024 21:30:32 | Vasta

    How To Hire The Best Crypto Recovery Expert Lost Recovery Masters

    Lost Recovery Masters performed an excellent operation to free my funds that had been deceitfully obtained through scams from dishonest crooks. Their prompt action and unflinching support of my case have given those priceless funds which had looked gone forever a second chance…I sincerely appreciate all of the members of the Lost Recovery Masters team for their professionalism, hard work, and perseverance during this process.
    You can get in touch with them through their website
    (, their WhatsApp (+44(753)710-5921)) or their support email (

  • cotez hudson

    06.12.2024 19:23:55 | Vasta

    Losing Bitcoin due to uncertainties and issues can be life-draining for anyone who has invested in Bitcoin. Unfortunately, that was my situation, many out there are going through such problems also. As Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, tracing it can also be in vain, also there is no central authority or agency to run to for help, making it challenging to recover lost invested Bitcoin. However, there are special recovery services available that specialize in retrieving lost or stolen Bitcoin. These kinds of services require various techniques and intellects to engage with so as to perfect a successful recovery making them human natural resources for those who have fallen victim to scams or technical issues. Swift Hack Expert, is a team of stolen or lost Bitcoin recovery experts that is non-debatable the best on the internet. If you have ever lost money to scammers, hire Swift Hack Expert and help yourself from being a fraud victim.

  • Kenneth Toney

    23.12.2024 22:25:26 | Vasta

    It was a cold, dreary morning when I woke up to the devastating news that I had lost all of my hard-earned ETH in a deceitful online scam. My heart sank as I realized that all of my savings had vanished in an instant, leaving me feeling helpless and betrayed. I frantically searched for a solution online, determined to find a way to recover my lost funds. After hours of research and countless dead ends, I stumbled upon Rapid Digital Recovery, a reputable company that specialized in recovering stolen cryptocurrency. I immediately reached out to Rapid Digital Recovery, desperate for their help in recovering my lost ETH. To my relief, they responded quickly and assured me that they would do everything in their power to help me recover my funds. As the days went by, Rapid Digital Recovery made great strides in their research, and I could feel a spark of optimism growing inside of me. They gave me updates and reassured me that they were making every effort to retrieve my missing money, keeping me updated at every stage. Finally, after weeks of tireless effort and determination, Rapid Digital Recovery delivered the news I had been desperately hoping for – they had successfully recovered the entirety of my stolen ETH. I was overcome with relief and gratitude, knowing that I had finally regained what was rightfully mine. But the journey was far from over. Rapid Digital Recovery continued to support me in securing my accounts and safeguarding my funds from future scams. They provided me with valuable tips and guidance on how to protect myself in the ever-evolving landscape of online fraud and deception. Through this experience, I learned the invaluable lesson of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. I realized the importance of seeking help from trusted professionals like Rapid Digital Recovery when faced with challenges that seemed insurmountable. Today, I stand stronger and more resilient than ever before, knowing that I have the support of a trusted partner like Rapid Digital Recovery by my side. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and inspire others to seek help and never give up in the face of adversity. In the end, my journey of recovering from deceit had not only led me to reclaim what was rightfully mine but also to discover a newfound sense of empowerment and hope for the future. And for that, I will always be grateful to Rapid Digital Recovery for their invaluable role in helping me turn my misfortune into a story of triumph.  You can get more information through:
       Contact Info:
    What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85
    Email INFO: rap iddi gita lrecov ery @ exe cs. com

  • Ric Twardoski

    01.01.2025 16:51:05 | Vasta

    From a young age, football was my passion, and this love for the sport led me to pursue a career as a professional footballer in England. While it was a dream come true, the financial rewards weren’t as substantial as I had hoped. Realizing the need for financial security beyond my football career, I began exploring alternative investment opportunities. At the time, Bitcoin was a hot topic among my colleagues, and their enthusiasm sparked my interest. With growing curiosity, I decided to invest £8,000 in Bitcoin, and over time, my investment grew to an impressive £50,000. This financial success gave me the confidence to expand my business ventures and take on larger projects. However, my excitement was short-lived when I fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam. One day, I encountered a website that looked identical to my trusted trading platform. Believing it was legitimate, I entered my login details without hesitation. Shortly after, I discovered that my Bitcoin wallet had been emptied. Years of hard work and financial growth vanished in an instant. I was devastated and felt completely helpless.  A friend in the crypto community recommended Rapid Digital Recovery, a team known for helping individuals recover stolen cryptocurrency. Desperate for a solution, I reached out to them, What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85, hoping they could help me reclaim what I had lost. From the very first interaction, I was impressed by their professionalism, expertise, and efficiency.The team at Rapid Digital Recovery thoroughly investigated the fraudulent activity, and to my immense relief, they managed to recover most of my stolen funds. Beyond their technical expertise, they also took the time to educate me on essential security measures. They recommended using hardware wallets for added safety, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), and double-checking website URLs to avoid phishing scams in the future. Their guidance proved invaluable, not only helping me recover my funds but also ensuring that I could better protect my investments moving forward. My journey with Bitcoin has been a mix of success and challenges. While I’ve experienced the joy of financial growth, I’ve also learned the harsh realities of the digital world. Thanks to Rapid Digital Recovery, I now approach cryptocurrency with caution and confidence, armed with the knowledge to navigate this complex space securely.
    Email INFO: rap iddi gita lrecov ery @ exe cs. com

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